area brodmann bahasa Inggris
- area: area; piece of ground; parcel; tract; piece of
- area: area; piece of ground; parcel; tract; piece of land; parcel of land
- area berbayar: paid area
- area broca: broca's area; broca’s center; broca’s convolution; convolution of broca; broca’s gyrus; broca’s area
- area hijau: carbon sink
- area karavan: trailer park
- area khusus: specific area of
- area nyaman: comfort zone
- area pemrosesan: process area
- area permasalahan: problem area
- area wernicke: wernicke's area; wernicke’s center; wernicke’s area
- kode area: area code
- penelitian area: area studies
- swiss area: switzerland area
- air force area: air force area (gorakhpur)
- Brodmann Areas 37, 39, 40 of the cerebral cortex.
Area Brodmann 37, 39, 40 dari otak. - This area is neuroanatomically described as the posterior part of Brodmann area 22.
Bagian ini disebut juga bagian posterior dari area Brodmann nomor 22.